Rafa Barreto

Growing up in a small town where everyone knew each other, it seemed like everything was decided for you. Jobs were often given based on who you knew, and people rarely took risks. The idea of stepping out of your comfort zone was seen as reckless. I was constantly told, “Why don’t you stop chasing dreams and just get a real job?” The message was clear: stay safe, don’t dream too big, and follow the traditional path.

But deep down, I knew that life wasn’t for me. Something inside me refused to accept the idea of staying in one place, doing the same thing every day, just because it was expected. I longed for something more, something different. So, I made a decision that would change everything. I left my hometown and set out to explore the world.

My journey took me from a city in Spain to India, then Portugal, Romania, Ukraine, and finally, Vietnam. It wasn’t easy. Leaving behind people who mattered to me was hard, and I carried a lot of guilt. At times, I wondered if I was making a mistake, but I had made up my mind. I was determined to build a life on my own terms, no matter how hard or uncertain the path seemed.

In each new country, I faced challenges I hadn’t anticipated. Cultural differences, language barriers, and financial struggles often made me question if I had made the right choice. Yet, despite the difficulties, I learned something valuable in each place. Slowly but surely, I grew stronger. I began to see the fear and guilt that once held me back as obstacles I needed to overcome, not reasons to quit.

It wasn’t until later in my journey that I came across a concept that gave me a clear direction: the LEAD approach. This simple acronym summed up everything I had been learning through my experiences.

LEARN from the past. Each country I lived in, each challenge I faced, taught me something valuable. Whether it was a mistake or a success, I learned to reflect on my experiences without regret. By understanding the lessons from my past, I could grow and avoid repeating the same errors.

EMPOWER the present. The most important change came when I learned to take control of the present moment. Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling on past mistakes, I focused on what I could do right now. Empowering myself in the present gave me the strength to face challenges head-on and make decisions with confidence.

ACT with purpose. Every action I took, whether big or small, was guided by a clear purpose: to create a life of my own choosing. I no longer felt like I was just wandering from one place to another. With each step forward, I knew exactly what I was working toward, and that purpose drove me forward.

DRIVE into the future. Embracing the unknown was no longer something that scared me. Instead, I saw the future as something I could shape with my own hands. With a clear vision in mind and the determination to move forward, I found myself more excited than ever about what was to come.

The LEAD approach didn’t just help me navigate my personal journey, it became the foundation of my leadership skills. By learning from my past, I was able to grow into a more self-aware leader who understands how past experiences shape our decisions. Empowering the present taught me how to inspire and motivate others, making decisions confidently and leading by example. Acting with purpose gave me the clarity to set meaningful goals, both for myself and for the teams I would eventually lead. And finally, by driving into the future, I developed the foresight needed to lead others toward a shared vision, always focusing on what lies ahead.

Through the LEAD framework, I became not just a better version of myself, but also a better leader. It taught me that leadership isn’t about controlling others; it’s about mastering yourself first, so you can help others grow alongside you.

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