Rafa Barreto

Rafa Barreto, autor en Rafa Barreto

categoría: Coaching, Coaching en CRM, Generational Intelligence, Inteligencia emocional, NLP, Teamwork
How I Bridged Generational Gaps in a Foreign Workplace
08 29 2024

How I Bridged Generational Gaps in a Foreign Workplace

When I first moved to Vietnam for work, I was excited but also nervous. It was my first time working in a completely different culture, and I quickly realized that the diversity I was encountering wasn’t just cultural—it was...

categoría: Negociación, NLP, Ventas
How I Discovered My Selling Skills
08 24 2024

How I Discovered My Selling Skills

When I first started out in business, I had a conversation with a close friend that completely shifted my perspective on selling. We were collaborating on a project, and at one point, I casually mentioned to her that I wasn't...