Rafa Barreto

NLP archivos - Rafa Barreto

categoría: Coaching, Coaching en CRM, Generational Intelligence, Inteligencia emocional, NLP, Teamwork
How I Bridged Generational Gaps in a Foreign Workplace
08 29 2024

How I Bridged Generational Gaps in a Foreign Workplace

When I first moved to Vietnam for work, I was excited but also nervous. It was my first time working in a completely different culture, and I quickly realized that the diversity I was encountering wasn’t just cultural—it was...

categoría: Negociación, NLP, Ventas
How I Discovered My Selling Skills
08 24 2024

How I Discovered My Selling Skills

When I first started out in business, I had a conversation with a close friend that completely shifted my perspective on selling. We were collaborating on a project, and at one point, I casually mentioned to her that I wasn't...

categoría: Negociación, NLP, Ventas
How I C.L.O.S.E Anyone
07 06 2024

How I C.L.O.S.E Anyone

When I started my career as a pilot, I never thought about the importance of selling. Pilots don’t usually think of selling as part of their job, but I’ve come to realize it’s one of those essential life skills. Whether...