Rafa Barreto

Negotiation is a part of everyday life. Whether you’re negotiating a business deal, discussing terms with a partner, or trying to reach an agreement with friends, the skills you use are vital for achieving a positive outcome. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) can significantly enhance these skills, making you a more effective negotiator. I want to share how the acronym DEAL can guide you through successful negotiations, using my personal experience to illustrate its power.

Years ago, I went through a traumatic divorce. I was determined to make the legal process as smooth as possible for myself, my ex-wife, and our daughter. At that time, I knew nothing about NLP, but I was clear about the outcomes I wanted from our settlement. It was only later, when I learned about NLP, that I realized the process I followed was effective because it aligned with NLP principles.

The lesson I learned is that we all know how to negotiate. We often do it without realizing it. However, understanding the structure can significantly improve our results. Let’s explore the DEAL approach to see how you can use it in your negotiations.

The first step in any negotiation is to define your goals. You need to be clear about what you want to achieve. During my divorce, my primary goal was to ensure a fair and amicable agreement for all parties involved. I wanted a settlement that would be beneficial not just for me, but also for my ex-wife and daughter.

In any negotiation, having a clear vision of your goals helps you stay focused. It prevents you from getting sidetracked by minor issues and ensures that you remain committed to achieving the best possible outcome.

Empathy is crucial in negotiations. Understanding the needs and perspectives of the other party can help you find common ground and build a stronger case for your position. During my divorce, I made an effort to understand my ex-wife’s concerns and priorities. This helped me approach the negotiations with a mindset of collaboration rather than confrontation.

When you empathize with the other party, you create an environment of trust and cooperation. This can lead to more productive discussions and a higher likelihood of reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.

Flexibility is key in negotiations. Situations can change, and you need to be able to adapt your strategies accordingly. In my divorce negotiations, there were times when we hit roadblocks. Instead of sticking rigidly to my initial plan, I was willing to adjust my approach to address new challenges and find alternative solutions.

Being adaptable allows you to respond effectively to unexpected developments. It demonstrates your willingness to work towards a resolution, which can encourage the other party to do the same.

Finally, leading the process means taking charge and guiding the negotiation towards your desired outcome. During my divorce, I took an active role in steering the discussions. I made sure that we stayed on track and focused on our goals, which helped us reach a satisfactory settlement.

Leading the process doesn’t mean being domineering. It means being proactive and ensuring that the negotiation stays productive. By taking the initiative, you can help create a positive and collaborative atmosphere.

Negotiation is a skill that we all use, often without realizing it. By understanding the principles of NLP and using the DEAL approach, you can significantly improve your negotiation outcomes. Define your goals clearly, empathize with the other party, adapt your strategies as needed, and lead the process to steer it towards a successful conclusion.

My personal experience taught me that even without formal training, we can navigate complex negotiations effectively by following these principles. With the knowledge of NLP, you can enhance your natural negotiation skills and achieve even better results. So, the next time you find yourself in a negotiation, remember to DEAL with it using NLP techniques.

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